
Project 6 – Illustration: Google Doodle


The project this week was all based around the growing popularity of Google Doodles. Many of you will be familiar with the concept: it’s when Google changes its logo to fit in with a national holiday, event, or a way to remember something that has happened in history.

We were not given a specific date or event to design a Google Doodle for; this was one of the challenges we faced as we designed something that had a witty and engaging idea, whilst also being visually appealing.

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Project 5 – Photography: Faces in Places


The project theme this week was photography. Although this, at first, did not give much away about the type of one-week project that it would be, it soon became clear.

The aim of the project was to familiarise ourselves more with our surroundings, whilst completing the brief. Many of the students were unfamiliar to the city itself, so this pushed us to go out and explore what was on our doorstep.

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Project 4 – 3D Making: Envelopes



The project set this week aimed to push us to think about how our ideas could be transferred into 3D objects. It also tested our 3D making skills.

We were each given a different society/organisation of which we had to design and make a creative envelope for. The organisation which I was given was the English Wine Producers.

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Project 3 – Image: Juxtaposition


The project for this week looked at image and the way that two images can be positioned together.

The aim was to produce a piece of visual communication that either contrasted, compared, contradicted, humoured one another, involved tension or explored orientation.

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