
Project 14 – Summer: Cocktail Typography


It’s summer (well looking outside, its currently raining!) and it seems I haven’t blogged for a while!

This week’s project is my summer project; “to create a typeface using inspiration from whatever you find”.  Having been told to stay away from the computer for this project, we were asked to find something over the summer that inspired us.

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Project 13 – Web: Hook, Line & Sinker


The web design project was a follow on to the branding project I had just completed. As a quick reminder, I had branded a new Fishing Tackle Shop called Hook, Line and Sinker.

The project was overseen by Ted, another visiting lecturer. Our brief was to design a website with a home page and a couple of other pages relevant to our business/occupation.

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Project 12 – Branding: Hook, Line & Sinker


My third project during the second semester focused on branding a new business or rebranding a current business.

We were each given an occupation/business to brand- mine being a Fishing Tackle Shop. I did not know much about fishing in general, so my first point of call was to visit a fishing tackle shop and get a good grasp on the whole industry.

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Project 11 – Packaging: Sleepy Tea


After completing my Type and Grids project of creating a magazine, it was now time to step into another area of graphic design; packaging.

I had not had much experience of designing packaging since GCSE level Graphic Design, however this was still one of the projects which I was most looking forward too.

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