
Project 10 – Type & Grids: El Lissitzky


Welcome to my Semester 2 projects! These are going to be a little different and you’ll find that I won’t be posting so often as the projects are roughly a month long instead of one week.

That being said, the first project we were given was a type and grids project; to create a magazine. It has to be complete with a front (optional back) cover, contents page and at least two double page spreads.

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Project 9 – Advent Calendar: International Society of Typographical Designers


The final brief for this semester was to design and create an advent calendar for our given society or organisation. We were asked to work in pairs for this brief as it would last two weeks (instead of the usual one week timescale).

Mine and my partners’ given society was the International Society of Typographical Designers (ISTD). A quick Google search told us who they were founded by, why and when. We noticed, even though this is blaringly obvious, that the key theme was type. We therefore took this on-board and made it the main focus for when we were designing our advent calendar.

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Project 8 – Narrative: Road Signs


The narrative project had to focus on the unexpected. The brief consisted of having three images, one after the other where you could view the first two and not know what was going to happen in the third.

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Project 7 – Copywriting: Nokia 3210


This week’s brief was focused on the copywriting side of graphic design. The course leaders emphasised how graphic design sells by being witty, often through both graphics and words. This was the week to demonstrate our skills in a different, not-so visual, way.

We were not provided with an object to sell on eBay in an innovative way, this was one of the challenges we had to overcome. We were told to pick the most basic of objects and try and sell it as something fabulous and ‘out of this world’.

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