
Welcome to my Semester 2 projects! These are going to be a little different and you’ll find that I won’t be posting so often as the projects are roughly a month long instead of one week.

That being said, the first project we were given was a type and grids project; to create a magazine. It has to be complete with a front (optional back) cover, contents page and at least two double page spreads.

We were each given a designer to base our magazine around and we had to design the magazine to commemorate them or in their style. The designer I was given was El Lissitzky.

I was not aware of his work before I undertook research on him. A quick search allowed me to find out that his style was very constructivist and Russian. He was active between the years 1900 and 1940 and the avant-garde artist made a career of utilizing art for social and political change.


I always think of Russian design to be very linear and using a lot of red and black shades. Therefore, I felt it would be important to incorporate this sort of style within my magazine.

The articles which we could put within our magazine had to be relevant to the subject which we were discussing; in this case, the designer himself.


The project aimed to test our ability to work with Adobe InDesign, something which I was confident in using, having used it before. It also looked at our attention to detail, for example, avoiding widows at the ends of paragraphs and hyphenating words too frequently.


I thoroughly enjoyed this project, it has to be one of my favourite projects to date. I think one of my reasons for this is because I got to work in a style very different to my own. The styles I chose were perhaps not of my own preference, but I grew to like them more as I experimented.

I think this also reflects the real design world; nine times out of ten you’re always designing for someone else, not to your taste, but to the clients.
